Monday, March 21, 2005

It was only 4 days...

I'm sitting here this morning, full of guilt and like so many other bloggers seem to do, I'm trying to cobble together an apology for my absence. I could take the old "it wasn't you, it was me, I just needed a bit of space" approach, but that's not really original any more.

Why should I feel guilty anyway? Who said that I have to post something every day? For my part, I think it's because I've become a bit stats obsessed ever since I passed my first 1000 mark. I don't think a day goes by when I don't take a sneaky peak to see how many people have dropped by. It's only three weeks since I passed that landmark but I see we're already well on the way towards the next one. Even more intriguing are the locations that you all surf in from. It seems that Hitmaps and Extreme Tracking Geo information are a little out of sync but they usually fall back into line before too long and I'm amazed at how widespread the reader base is. I didn't have to pay too many foreign friends or relatives to get these results either. You may also notice an increasing number of little icons appearing in the bottom left hand corner in a shameless attempt to attract more people to drop by and wade through this rubbish.

Anyway, it's not like I haven't been around the place. I have done a little tidying up and moved almost all of my picture sources as part of the whole anonymity thing. I've also replied to a few comments and left a few amongst my favourite bloggers.

You all knew where I was if you needed me anyway. If you think back - Paddys Day, Friday night, last day of the Six Nations, what else was I likely to be doing on such occasions? However, in the interest of disrupting my predictable behaviour I ordered one of these yesterday. What was I thinking of? If things work out well over the first few weeks, I might get the treadmill aswell. Alright, I know, obvious comment, there I go being predictable again.

Anyway, it's 5:15 in the morning and now I feel that I've now atoned for my heinous crime, I'm off back to bed...


Anonymous said...

That's an ungodly hour to get up at...bloody noisy neighbours again I bet!


Seany said...

You see what happens when I leave the beer alone for the day. I've always said it can't be natural!

Anonymous said...

Seems like a fine idea to me to order a fit nublile young lady with a treadmill..ok forget the treadmill lol !