Monday, May 01, 2006

What a May Day...

You can't beat a relaxing Bank Holiday Monday. Perhaps today I could have tried, but I suspect the guilt of having done so little yesterday motivated me to get an early start this morning. So today's achievements before sitting down this afternoon for a sandwich and a well earned cuppa:

~ Usual weekend chores such as getting the washing done, emptying the dishwasher, taking the hoover for a walk, and so on

~ Sorted through the last of the old clothes and put aside everything I'm not likely to wear again (by choice or otherwise) for the next charity bag that arrives through the door

~ Baked a cake and two loaves of bread. Still a long way to go before the sponge cake is worthy of a picture but at least it was edible this time (without a straw). One of the loaves was a standard wholemeal and this week's experiment is a cheese & bacon loaf. Apparently the latter goes very well with poached eggs but I have about another hour to wait before I find out

~ I finally cleared enough shelf space to unpack all of my videos. Many moons ago when I first got a video recorder, it seemed more logical to number each tape and keep a separate log rather keep re-labeling the tapes themselves. Hence momentary panic this afternoon when I was faced with 62 numbered tapes with no idea of what was on them

~ PC unpacked although not assembled - seemed a bit pointless seeing as the motherboard is no doubt still very poorly and in need of replacement. All the same, the unpacked components do take up much less room than the sum of their boxes

~ Notice board put up in the hallway to keep all of the emergency numbers at hand such as alarm engineer, plumber, pizza house, etc.

~ Another four boxes cleared out of the study, mostly via the shredder or the wheelie-bin and found lots of other old goodies I'd forgotten about. I'll post a separate blog about them sometime

~ Finally, I treated the front and back lawns to a good helping of Weed N Feed seeing as the nicely groomed lawns I created last week have become infested with numerous varieties of horticultural vermin

I hate to admit this, but after that lot I'm almost looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow...

Update 18:30 - scrambled eggs, chopped mushrooms on toasted cheese & bacon bread, topped with a sprinkling of chopped parsley is the best thing since (or at least a good way of eating) sliced bread...


Cherrypie said...

Numbered video tapes? Are you a Nick Hornby character? Even now, compiling his list of Top 10 All-Time Favourite Breads

Seany said...

Doesn't everyone have Dewey Decimal numbers embroidered into their socks?