Saturday, May 06, 2006

It's the thought that counts...

I love the way the above phrase is used to mask complete disappointment or utter failure.

Today for example I got an early start, mowed front & back lawns, cleared a few weeds from the back garden then dug out my multimeter and toolbox to repair my long-neglected hedgetrimmer as I need to get the leylandi in the front to a manageable height before it goes wild. The good news is that I managed to get it up and running without too much effort but the weather started to threaten rain so I'm afraid it didn't get any activity in the garden. Still, it's the thought that counts.

Determined to have an alcohol-free Saturday I busied the rest of my day with the usual chores and playing in the kitchen turning out all manner of bread, buns and cake (yes - the chocolate cake recipe finally worked). Satisified with another busy day's achievements, I grilled a nice steak for tea and rustled up a red wine sauce to go with it. The thing is, once you've opened a nice bottle of red, you have to finish it in case it goes off (honest). So it wasn't quite the alcohol free day I'd planned, but it's the thought that counts...


Cherrypie said...

What's a multimeter?

Seany said...

Its a gizmo for electrical testing; multimeter because it measures current, voltage and resistance. There's a picture of mine here

Cherrypie said...

Wow! Thanks! Teach me for asking xx

delcatto said...

"Let them eat cake".Look what happened to her...This could lead to the overthrow of the local council or even of our esteemed M.P. I'm sure more than 25% would turn out to overthrow him!
Any cake left?
Have you had a stab at bagels yet?

Seany said...

Not got round to bagels yet because surprisingly, it wasn't amongst the 100 recipes I got with the machine but I've just found a recipe on the net.

First I need to get some more containers, maybe a bigger fridge, or freezer, or both.

What a great money saver this bread maker turned out to be...