Sunday, July 16, 2006

Well if you must know...

There have been a few enquiries of late regarding the fate of the carrot tops I so caringly nurtured into plants at the beginning of the year.

So today is unveiling day. You can probably gather that the results were a little different than I expected as there isn't a full colour photo on display within the text here. That said, the greenery had achieved the respectable height of 16 inches so I believe it was reasonable of me to expect the resultant vegetable to be of decent proportions rather than these rather sad looking specimens.

Stopped laughing yet? Me too, just. So what have we learnt from this exercise? Well clearly you can grow carrots from carrot tops and if you're lucky, you may even get three carrots from one top. I can also confirm that they taste as good as any other carrots I've tasted too.

Overall, I think the biggest lesson to be learnt is that it's hardly worth waiting seven months when at 64p a kilo it's easier to nip out to Tesco...


delcatto said...

Oh dear, not the glorious specimens we awaited with baited breath.

Cherrypie said...

Ha ha ha! You are a constant reminder of that brief time spent with a mutual acquaintance.

Hope they were tastier x

Seany said...

Sorry for the flashback Cherrypie.

Perhaps we could consider it payback for the Exorcist picture you posted a while back that reminded me of several of my exes :)