Sunday, January 08, 2006

Rattle, rattle, rattle...

I think I may have stumbled across another potential new years resolution this morning. As part of my attempts to get healthier last year, I ordered a whole heap of vitamin pills and herbal supplements over the internet which I've been taking most mornings:

Ginko Biloba - to improve short term memory (when I remembered to take it)
Garlic - to help maintain a healthy heart
Cod Liver Oil - for joints, heart and brain
MilkThistle - for liver detoxification
Multi Vitamins - for anything left over

It occured to me this morning that I have suffered more colds (breaking into man-flu in the more serious cases) in the last twelve months than I can ever remember before, despite taking all of these wonderful things to ward off all ails. So I've decided once these have gone that I will revert to just one simple multi-vitamin every morning and save a load of messing about.

The one exception has to be the milk thistle which I have taken for quite sometime now and raved about previously here. It definitely works from my experience and I obviously have no intentions of warding off any ales...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Batemans patented XB to cure the scrofula. Failing that, a good dose of Hobgoblin Elixir: prolongs life, mends ye widdershins, promotes virility in ones mind and, makes you attractive to witches.
Otherwise several glasses of water and an early night.
Now, which cure-all should I choose.....?