Saturday, June 25, 2005

Picture this...

Little Sis was talking to me this morning about hypnotherapy and I was reminded of a story of an ex-manager of mine from many years ago.

We had been discussing ways of stopping smoking (6 months on Thursday by the way) and he told me that his wife had booked him into a hypnotherapist, but it wasn't going too well due to his self-confessed lack of imagination:

"OK, I'd like you to lie on the couch, close your eyes and relax. Now picture yourself outside of your favourite cinema. Can you do that?"
"I think so, yes"
"Now I want you to walk through the doors, across the foyer, up the stairs into the auditorium and find yourself a nice comfortable seat. As the curtains draw back I'd like you to concentrate on the large white screen and you will see a small black dot right in the centre. As you stare at the black dot, it is slowly getting bigger and bigger until it takes up your whole field of vision. OK?"
"Not really, I can't even see the screen yet"
"Alright, no problem, how far have you got"
"I'm still stood outside the cinema finishing my cigarette"

Another favourite of mine was whenever anyone was going to get him a coffee
"Do you take sugar?"
"Yes, 12 please but don't stir it - I can't stand it too sweet..."

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