Monday, February 14, 2005

"If music be the food of love, play on...

...Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.

Strange how most people only remember the first bit, but I guess I've always been the hapless romantic. I couldn't let Valentine's Day pass without comment, especially as I'm single again this year and I escaped without wasting a single penny on the tacky commercial crap. If I happen to be in love, I like to think that I am perfectly capable of demonstrating the fact without emotional blackmail from greeting card companies. An unexpected dinner invitation or impromptu bunch of flowers is nearly always received more favourably than cards and choccies when everyone is sending them.

However, I may well consider sending one of these in future years. (Thanks to Petite Anglaise for the link)

Ironically, I left work late tonight and the only phone calls I've had were from my mate and his wife who are splitting up. Again. And really mean it this time. Again. And have tried to get me involved. Again. It ain't gonna happen.

Makes me grateful for the lifestyle I have and reminds me exactly of what I don't miss. Sometimes it's good to be single...

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