Eight people from the last twenty that ended up here from search engines were looking for Emily Maitlis, presumably as a result of the recent "flashing" incident which offended some BBC viewers.
She was only ever been mentioned on this blog once before today when I stated in one of the comments last April that I'd just Googled her. Unfortunately, it sounds as sordid now as it did back then.
Now I don't usually post celebrity photos as there's plenty of other sites out there providing a more than adequate service. Apparently. All the same, it's fair to say that she would brighten the place up a bit.
Most importantly, I feel obliged to post a picture if for no other reason than to offend the kind of small minded moron who takes offence at the thought of an attractive newsreader having legs...
This was news to me, so never one to avoid 'hard news' I looked up (fnar, fnar) the offending pictures.
Lovely pins.
Can't these easily offended people find the off switch or is this really more offensive than wars, murder, poverty, famine, Noel Edmonds....
I'd like to think that the people receiving these complaints could remind them of the word "off"; preferably accompanied by another suitable word or two...
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