Thursday, December 01, 2005

Too much like hard work...

An ex-housemaster and Geography teacher of mine once accused me of "running from hard work like any sane person would run from a mad dog". I suppose at the time he was right; my 15 year old attention had much more exciting matters to deal with than the glacial movement resulting in crag & tail rock formations (as seen at Edingburgh Castle - or was that a Roche Moutonee?). I suppose he would be impressed to read this knowing that 24 years later I can still recall either, not to mention my maintained ability to spot a cirrus cloud from a cumulous. What did any of this have to do with Geography? Quite honestly I was never entirely sure and this was accurately reflected in my GCE Grade D (back in the good old days when we were actually allowed to fail at something). I thought Geography was to do with travel and places. Hmm... perhaps that's why we are no good at asking for directions - it must be some kind of inadequate geography schooling syndrome.

Anyhoo, back to the hard work thing, since I collected the keys to the bungalow on Monday afternoon, I've had a harsh reminder of what hard work can be like. Not that I am exactly slacking during my usual weekly occupation, but I figured that by taking a week off and enlisting the help of the occasional volunteer here and there, this moving lark would be a breeze.

OK, it could have gone a lot worse. It is now Thursday afternoon and I'm down to about one more car load, but it's going to have to be a bloody big one to cope with the weight of the almost famous (and somewhat recently neglected) running machine. I have got big plans for it here at the new place, honest. Besides which, I've done more physical exercise this week than I probably have all year to date so that should count for something. Anyway, it's taken nearly six months for the sale to go through so I don't suppose an extra day or two will hurt much.

So here I am, wallowing in the self satisfaction of living in a lovely bungalow, nicely situated in one of the town's outlying villages. I finally have my kitchen full of gadgets and food of all descriptions; lounge with a suite I struggle to get out of, cable TV through the new widescreen LCD telly and more importantly I have my wireless internet up and working again.

Seeing as I probably can't afford to go to the pub now for the next 20 -30 years, I suppose there's no excuse for not keeping the old blog up to date then...


Anonymous said...

An Interesting and Humorous Blog
Found your blog interesting thought I'd tell you.,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope you have many happy years in your new pad. Although I will be amazed if your running machine does not turn into a clothes horse!?!?

Seany said...

Thanks Sean - glad you're enjoying it!

Cheers Pete - you'd be amazed how much ex-Stothards-Lane stuff has resurfaced, including the sooooper microwave