Thursday, October 20, 2005

If you're looking for bunnies...

Then you've come to the wrong place

Regular visitors will be aware of my fascination for my page stats (which reminds me, 4k is approaching and 1st blogday is next month so I ought to start my quest for more gifs). Anyhoo, I noticed last night that the top three reasons people end up here from search engines are from Google Image searches; equal first place going to "Samantha" and "Bunnies" with "Janus" coming in a very close third.

Although I think Samantha Janus is obviously very attractive and I've enjoyed her TV appearances in shows such as Game On and Liverpool one, this could hardly be considered a fan site. In fact I linked to one picture of her during a post about one of her lesser successes (which to be fair, she managed to escape after the first series). In fact, to avoid unnecessary attention, I tried to select one of the more tasteful images. Worse still, I tried to replicate the search (with safe search off, just in case) and waded through over 10 pages without finding the picture in question, so where are these hits all coming from?

As for the bunnies, this was another attempt at being humorous during a post about Easter and there is a link to one photo, which again I thought was quite tasteful (in the context of the rest of the post). Again, I was 6 pages into my search for the same so people are hardly landing here by accident.

I realise that this post is probably only compounding the issue , so if you have ended up here looking for either of the above, let me help you out:

Click here for info about Samantha and here for the best site on the web about bunnies. If you were looking for either in lesser attire then you really must try harder - it's hardly rocket science (apparently). I'm amazed you ended up here and it probably serves you right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bliddy ell I'm lost yetti againee...mefinks it's da cyber monster that brings me here grrrrr lol !

ps...yessss Samantha lol ;)