Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The power of advertising...

I was just sat in front of the telly minding my own business when an advert appeared for a Lexus Hybrid and although I wouldn't mind upgrading the car, I accept that those are well out of my league.

It was the music that caught my attention initially and the fact that it sounded like the same music from the Scottish Widows advert (not that I'm in the market for one of those either).

Now the internet being the wondrous thing that it is, I soon discovered that both companies were in fact using the same music in their advert and before I knew what was happening, I was facing a sudden compulsion to sell my guitar again...


delcatto said...

Buena tarde mi amigo!
I'm sure with a bit of application and a prevailing wind you could play this.

delcatto said...

Wonderful to listen to and admire his talent.