Monday, September 05, 2005

Recent findings...

Last day off today so I thought I would kill some time with a few words on here. Over the few waking hours I've enjoyed over the last few days, I have been trawling through a lot of my favourite blogs which in turn led me to loads of funnies I thought I would share. Warning: most of these contain offensive language. Yeah, like you care!

has been campaigning recently to save his local Post Office from closure and Eclectech, the creators of the video for his campaign song, have some other excellent work within their archives. I would personally recommend Camilla Queen, This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us and The Very Model Of A Model Labour Minister. Check out the Kilroy ones too while you're there.

Anna posted about blogday last week and one of her subsequent links was to Used Hack who had a hilarious post about pandas. Definitely one I'll be adding to my reading list.

On a similar theme to the above, always enjoy reading Emerald Bile and Twenty Major for the frequent rants to be found both within their postings and subsequent comments. Somewhere along the line I ended up on the Holy Moly site which is crammed full of hilarious stuff. Declan directed me to the Personality Test which is definitely worth a try. C***'s Corner is well worth a trawl through as are The Rules of Modern Life. My particular favourite from the latter being
"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't".

Finally, thanks to Birdman, I've found my first must-have accessory for the new garden when I eventually move in, although I might have to insist on no smoking.

OK, so a link-fest is lazy blogging I admit, but I thought it would be good to share a few laughs and I am on holiday after all...


Anonymous said...

Blogger for Word
Blogger for Word Anyone who manages a blog has probably wished at some point that blogging software was more like a word processor.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a business opportunity site/blog. It pretty much covers business opportunity related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

Inflatable pint glasses next...for the plastic beer of course.Fosters have that covered....