Sunday, January 04, 2009

Out with the old...

It may be the time of year to be considering resolutions again but I'm running short of ideas.

Thankfully I've just passed the 4 year milestone of non-smoking and although temptation has been greater of late, I'm pleased that I've managed to resist so far.

My alcohol intake took a huge nosedive towards the end of last year and having just learnt that my new specs are going to cost me over 170 quid, I certainly won't be going out anywhere this month, possibly even longer.

Of course, I can't overlook the success with the weight loss last year. Two and a half stone down from where I started, I fully intend to get back on the old running machine and see if I can shed a couple more.

The one major factor I need to focus on this year is getting my work/life balance back in order, which despite good intentions last year still had far too much emphasis in the wrong area. Something has got to be wrong when you feel pleased that you only worked 4 weeks worth of unpaid overtime last year as opposed to 8 weeks in the previous one. It's heading in the right direction I guess but I don't see pressures of work relieving to make 2009 much of an easier ride.

As if to deliberately catch me at the first hurdle, I received a call this afternoon asking if I can start three hours earlier tomorrow. Well of course I said yes - I was caught off guard by receiving a call at home on a Sunday and it's not as though I had got anything else planned at that time of the morning tomorrow...

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