Saturday, July 11, 2009

Death by tray...

No news on the job front and none really expected this early in the proceedings. Lots of uncomfortable shuffling in-house and no shortage of inaccurate reporting via the press, but no, nothing to report yet.

Oh, except my CV. That was my quest for this weekend, I've updated the CV to bring it up to date and to try and make it a tad more appealing than the other 2 million or so I'm going to be in competition with in a few months time.

Anyway on to far less serious matters. Take a look at this video I found tucked amongst my YouTube recommendations - I think it's hilarious . Perhaps its just that I find most material by Eddie Izzard hilarious. Perhaps its because I've decided to pour copious quantities of Jack Daniels down my neck this evening. I guess I will know for sure when I look at this again tomorrow. Of course if I then decide it isn't funny and I delete it before you have seen it, then you may never be any the wiser. Anyway, take a look...


delcatto said...

Keep it up !
It's very funny

Seany said...

It deserves to stay as it still made me smile this morning despite my having despatched over half a bottle of JD last night. Oops.

Karate Jim said...

Do stop drinking because there won't be any for when we come and stay and I have someone to watch the children while I get pissed....

...but don't stop finding stuff like this on YouTube it made me laugh out loud.

Hope you saw the 'they lie' clip. Giong to have to blog this myself.