Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hey Big Spender...

I doubt I'm the only one who has heard enough about the current politician expense scandals. Initially, it seems ridiculous that people of such responsibility who already earn a high salary should go to such lengths to claim items of varying levels of trivia on expenses.

Stephen Fry clearly believes that it is more a question of media frenzy by journalists who surely should have something more important to investigate/report and to an extent, I'm inclined to agree with him. After all, plenty of us have bought a meal in a restaurant/hotel/service station way beyond the price that we would ever spend from our own pocket. Significant difference here being that first of all, its our money being spent and secondly, not many of us have had the opportunity to extend such perks into thousands of pounds worth of personal luxuries and home comforts.

I suppose the breaking point for me was today's comment that Health Minister Phil Hope has decided to repay over 40 grand in expenses to help to restore his integrity. If we are talking about real integrity, then surely the real reason he has decided to repay it is because first of all he was wrong to claim it all and secondly because he got caught...

1 comment:

delcatto said...

Spot on Seany. I can forgive some expenses but when I listen to mealy mouthed hypocrites who use flexible interpretation of the rules to enrich themselves whilst condemning the disabled, unemployed and the poorly paid trying to just mightily pisses me off.
A clearout is needed and people of greater integrity who do want to change the country for the better is needed. Sadly, the first question "Do you want to be in government and in power?" is often answered yes these days by the wrong people. Where is the Monster Raving Loony Party when you need them?