Sunday, February 15, 2009

What are you doing...

No new videos this week I'm afraid as I've been busy trying to make my house look as though somebody actually lives in it before Little Sis and Co arrive later in the week.

On the subject of Little Sis, she had a bit of a rant a few weeks ago about the futility of Facebook sometimes. Now although there were mitigating circumstances behind that particular post that I will not go into, I have to say that to an extent I agree with what she had to say.

I really enjoy being able to see what my friends are up to and it is a convenient way of keeping in touch with people I don't see very often, but there is quite a price to pay in terms of irritation factor.

On so many screens you are constantly told how many of your friends apparently "have a crush on you" and "want to kiss you" or "want to go even further". Then there is the bombardment of futile gifts of virtual hugs, kisses, chocolates, drinks, snowballs, muppets, local landmarks, etc. For each of these you receive, you then feel somehow morally obliged to return the gesture but before you can do so, you need download the application that drives them.

This weekend I finally took a good look at Twitter having heard how many people in the media were "twittering" regularly; Stephen Fry being one good, and I would previously have thought unlikely example. I have to say that it seems to be a much more grown up way of keeping track of what your friends and favourite celebrities are up to without all of the other annoying distractions that Facebook permanently regurgitates in front of you.

Basically, it's a micro blogging site where each post is limited to 140 characters; a limitation that I may well have benefited from during some of my waffles and rants in the past.

For the more adventurous amongst you, there is also a great application called TweetDeck that helps you to organise your tweets more effectively. The only down side I've seen so far is that it can be just as addictive and a drain on your spare time.

So for those that know me in the real world, please sign in and look me up and I'll look forward to twittering with you...


delcatto said...

Signed in but I can't find you.

Verif: 'sumbo'...don't tell the bbc or they'll sack me as creative advisor to the Tellytubbies.

Seany said...

Might be a bit easier to find me now...