Monday, February 09, 2009

Strange celebration...

The 2009 get-fit campaign is well under way now although I think it's fair to say that it hadn't exactly been going to plan so far.

With the exception of one pub meal and a few pints a couple of Saturdays ago, I've pretty much stuck to the same diet that worked so well for me last year but the weight didn't seem to want to budge this time.

Each day I'd been ramping up the running machine program but to my horror, it seemed that my weight was actually increasing. Screw that for a laugh, I'm no real fan physical exercise at the best of times, especially if I'm not going to see any benefit from it.

However, persistence seems to have paid off over the last few days as the scales finally started moving in the right direction again and today marks a very special day. Yes folks, today for the first time in at least four years that I know of, I am officially overweight.

Why am I so pleased with this result? Today my BMI dropped to below 30, which apparently means I am now only overweight rather than obese. Now although it would have taken more than a light breeze to carry me off over the tree tops, I've always thought that the term "obese" was a bit harsh.

And if I was a bit miffed, imagine what the apparently obese (according to BMI) Johnny Wilkinson must have thought...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sean, you ain't fat mate.. just under tall. Been catching up on your blog because i've been without the internet for a couple of weeks due to moving. Anyway, love the music videos. Especially the 'Don't Stop Me Now' one. Quite a feat to get it all synced up with the music.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the breakthrough!

delcatto said...

If you are bottling any of that willpower I'll have two bottles please.
Otherwise, well done and more power to your elbows, knees, etc...

Seany said...

Thanks all - the game continues...

Good to hear from you Paul, I assume as you've moved that the reference worked out OK then!